Friday, 20 December 2013

Day 354. Faultless towers.

School's out for Christmas. Half day today which meant I had time to take Bea to nearby Oxburgh Hall as the house was open to share Christmas through the centuries.

From pin the moustache on Hitler, minced meat pies and the history of decorations to Christmas (or lack of it) under Oliver Cromwell and beautiful hidden doors, it was a rather lovely way to begin the festive break. Unlike Bea I declined the offer to jump down the former privy into one of the few priest holes open to visitors but did enjoy the Queen's bedroom which was spacious and beautifully furnished. We were even entertained by the volunteers who danced for us in traditional costume in the King's Room, where Henry VII stayed with his queen, Elizabeth of York, in 1487.

 A climb to the top of the house rewarded us with this view from one of the towers and we returned home with rosy cheeks, carrying a bounty of passionfruit curd (from the NT shop) and a handful of historic recipes to try out.

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