Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Day 162. Breaking the no speaking rule.

On the train tonight the door on our carriage was broken, opening and closing every few seconds, which for a 90 minute journey is more than a little irritating. Ten minutes into the journey myself and the other 4 passengers in the carriage began glancing at each other, slightly uncomfortably of course, using British facial expressions to register our growing frustration. One brave figure jumped up and tried to fix it by placing his bag in the way. It didn't work. "Nice try' someone said, and the no speaking rule was broken. We looked around for something more sturdy to replace the bag, nothing, and then I remembered the sensor in the ceiling. 'How about stuffing the hole with tissue?' I suggested rummaging in my bag for a clean one. So we did. And it worked. We congratulated ourselves with a simple 'That's better' and silence was restored as we returned to our pre-teamwork activities.

Normal service has been resumed.

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