Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Day 254. Foot off the pedal.

I've annoyed drivers all the way home from Six Mile Bottom tonight, and yes that is a real place.

I picked up a rather unhappy cat from Dick White's clinic after having surgery on a corneal ulcer and a graft to repair the hole that resulted. I don't know who Dick is but he runs an impressive place. Not one person there managed to leave without a few tears as they collected injured or ill pets and received instruction on how to care for them at home.

Once back in the car I was conscious of every pot hole, sharp bend and speed bump and suspect I was on the receiving end of many expletives from drivers stuck behind me and my Sunday driving. I wonder if I'll be a bit more considerate next time I'm behind a slower driver? I doubt it but today I was happy to take my foot off the pedal.

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